For over 165 years Bibliotheca Sacra’s studies in theology, Bible exposition ministry, and current issues have provided an invaluable resource for serious Bible students.

Its articles by respected theologians will enhance your ministry and deepen your theological insights.

Ariel Canada is pleased to be able to bring you, by permission, any articles from Bibliotheca Sacra which deal specifically with Israel and prophecies relating to her.

This will help the Bible student develop a keener sense of God’s view of Israel throughout the dispensations and His plan for her future.


* The following list offers articles which deal with Israel, ones which we highly recommend.

These articles are free for your viewing in PDF format.



Chalres C. Ryrie – The Necessity of Dispensations

Charles Lee Feinberg – The State of Israel

Charles Lee Feinberg – What Israel means to God

Henry C. Thiessen – The Place of-Israel in the Dispensation of Grace

J.Dwight Pentecost – Where do the Events of Ez.38-39 Fit into the Prophetic Picture

John F. Walvoord – Does the Church fulfill Israels program: Part 1

John F. Walvoord – Does the Church fulfill Israels Program: Part 2

John F. Walvoord – Does the Church fulfill Israels Program: Part 3

John F. Walvoord – Eschatalogical Problems lX Israels Restoration

John F. Walvoord – Eschatalogical Problems V Is the Church the Israel of God

John F. Walvoord – Eschatalogical Problems Vlll Israel’s Blindness

John F. Walvoord – Eschatalogica Problems X The New Covenant with Israel

John F. Walvoord – Has the Church Replaced Israel

John F. Walvoord – Is the Seventieth Week of Daniel Future

John F. Walwoord – Will Israel Build a Temple in Jerusalem

John Ker Munro – The Signs of theTimes

J.V. McGee – The Theology of the Tabernacle

J.V. McGee The Theology of theTabernacles: Part 2

J.V. McGee – The Theology of theTabernacle: Part 3

J.V. McGee – The Theology of the Tabernacle: Part 4

Lewis Sperry Chafer – Dispensationalism

Merrill F.Unger – Ezekiel’s Vision of Israel’s Restoration: Part 1

Merrill F. Ungar – Ezekiel’s Vision of Israel’s Restoration: Part 2

Merrill F. Unger Ezekiel’s Vision of Israel’s Restoration: Part 3

Roy L. Aldrich – The Great Hatred