Jackie Fierman has been a Jewish believer since the age of 17, following a four-year process of searching for the truth about the identity of Jesus the Messiah. She had been raised in St. Louis, Missouri, in a Conservative Jewish home and synagogue where she received her religious education. After coming to faith, she encountered…

Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum was born in 1943 in Siberia, Russia after his Jewish father — falsely accused of being a Nazi spy when he fled Poland from Hitler — was released from a Communist prison. With the help of the Israeli underground in 1947, the Fruchtenbaum family escaped from behind the Iron Curtain to Germany,…

I was born in Casablanca, Morocco. I come from a Jewish orthodox family, where my grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great grandfather were all rabbis. One of my fondest memories of Morocco was on Friday nights and Saturday mornings, the Sabbath, at my grandfather’s synagogue. I remember how my friends looked up to me for being the…